The Iron Dream

Опубликовано в in Documentary Feature


A revolution was launched after Reza Shah inaugurated the North-South Railway in 1938. Construction of Iran’s countrywide railway not only changed the Middle East but it also changed the whole world. It made Iran the “Bridge of Victory” of the triumph of the allied forces against the Nazi Germany.
This documentary is the story of the travel of Masoud DJamali, an Iranin-German researcher, who lives in Nurenburg and decides to visit Iran to narrate the story of an event which was determinant that time on the fate of Iran, Germany and many European countries.
In this railway trip, he studies the reasons of the construction of the countrywide railway of Iran by the elite European engineers. He also seeks for answer to the question that “how did the countrywide railway of Iran play key role in World War II? And why Churchill called Iran the “Bridge of Victory”?
engineers from the Danish Kampsax Company were assigned for the mapping and engineering the countrywide raid road. The Kampsax Company and its head engineer Jorgen Saxild guaranteed that the project would be accomplished in 6 years.Before, some American, British, French, and German companies failed to construct Railway through the Alborz Mountain.
One of the top engineers of the Kampsax Company was Ladislaus Von Robcewicz, from Austria 1893-1975, who constructed many bridges and tunnels. He innovated the NATM style of digging tunnels.
This documentary is a rich collection of archive photos and videos of 1940s about the countrywide railroad of Iran, the occupation of Iran by the allied forces and using it for transportation of facilities and arms supplied by the US and UK for the Russian army.
The narrator also depicts the lifestyle, ceremonies, and traditions of the villages and cities next to Iran’s countrywide railroad.

Director: Yaser Talebi. Producer Mitra Roohimanesh.

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