Narrative Short

Any Narrative film Less than 75 mins. will be considered in this category. We admit only the films about travels, both modern and historical ones. As well as those films, where travel is an important part of the synopsis. Foreign language work must be dubbed or subtitled in English.

Часто комментируемые

Somehow, this woman called Desire appears in a world that is strange for her, and magically is largely invisible as she was traveling by her personal failures. Loaded with her bag of clothes,finally India will nude her spiritually, while she is finding herself in the solitude of indifference. Director: EUGENIO RECUENCO  


Interference is an ironic and poetic meditation about the nostalgia and solitude and fears that provides a journey to Nowhere.

7934 Kilometres Away

Nicole, a Parisian takes stock of her life, against the backdrop of Vancouver.


Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be in the hands of death but given time to reflect on the life you’ve lead? What did I waste my time on? What did I wish I did more of? What was most important to me? Who was most important to me… & why? …Read more »

Metropolis II: Highway to Heaven

A young boy learns that death is not always the end of the road… Director: Phil Swinburne Phil Swinburne proudly maintains that he has never had a ‘proper job’. Amongst other diversions he has been a produced screenwriter, an actor, musician, fashion designer, market researcher, construction worker, van driver, slot machine mechanic, restaurant washer-up, and secret …Read more »