Documentary Short

Any Documentary Film under 45 mins will be considered in this category. Foreign language work must be dubbed or subtitled in English.

Часто комментируемые

A Place Called Mustang is a documentary of my solo motorcycle journey to Mustang valley in mid-eastern Nepal.It depicts the pristine culture of the people,serenity of the nature,loneliness of the nights and the toughness of the roads. How a motorcyclist traveled through the treacherous roads to find the ultimate, THE NATURE. Director: Santanu Ray

The Path Less Paved

The sport of cycling has never been comfortable with the concept of limits. Riders of all disciplines are able to perform near-superhuman athletic feats. Road cyclists yearn for greater backcountry freedom beyond the pavement. Mountain bikers live for the thrill of the descent, but also ponder how many more mountains they could reach in a …Read more »