Pyotr Kozlov. Secrets of the Lost City.

Опубликовано в in Documentary Feature


Pyotr Kozlov is an outstanding traveler and geographer. His life is like an adventure novel compared with which all fictional stories of movie heroes look rather dull. He spent 17 years in expeditions across Central Asia and charted hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of unknown land. He discovered the dead city Hara-Hoto in the Gobi sands, and it became one of the main archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. It was a world-wide scientific sensation. He discovered a disappeared empire that existed on the border of Tibet, China and Mongolia, an unknown language as well as an unknown system of writing. Among the findings there were the dictionaries that helped to decipher a dead language. The findings of Pyotr K. Kozlov occupy now three halls of the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg and constitute the world’s largest collection of medieval manuscripts. This person became the first European in history who was invited by the Dalai Lama to visit Lhasa.

Director: Vladimir Shuvannikov

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