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LANDSCAPES of CHANGE (short version)

The change of seasons is such a self-evident phenomenon that we take it for granted yet we struggle to catch it in the act. Look outside – the nature seems so static compared to the hectic lives we must live. At best we might notice a sudden heatwave or an unexpected freeze, a violent storm …Read more »

To the Moon by Bicycle

Is there a limit to human capabilities? How should a person live and what should he be to achieve the goal? An example of this can be the main character of the film – Jumber Lezhava, a sportsman, a 15-time record holder, who made a continuous round-the-world bike trip for 10 years and traveled 300,000 …Read more »

The Range Of Light

A 400 Mile Journey to Discover the High Sierra. The Range of Light is an intimate look into the lives of three hikers as they tackle the high routes in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The film explores the creation of high routes with the people who forge them, the addictive nature of long-distance hiking, and …Read more »

Searching For My Future

Five years has passed since Ko-ichi and Miku started seeing each other. Ko-ichi is a wannabe actor, however, he only talks about his dream and does nothing for it. One day, Miku suddenly disappears. When Ko-ichi gets shocked by her disappearence, his old classmate from a film school, Yumiko visits him. Yumiko, who has become …Read more »

SS Malolo – The Millionaires Cruise of 1929

Details of the first 90-day leisure cruise of the Pacific in 1929 from film, photos, and journals provided by the descendants of passengers who created them. Director: Rick Helin