Music video

Travel Music Videos must be 15 minutes or less in length including credits. Public music videos that are currently on youtube or vimeo are eligible.

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Thailand Inspiration

“Hold on to this moment. Participate in it. remember it. To see this world. things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, to draw closer, to find each other and to feel, that emotions and stories has captured the mood of our moments.” Director: Piero Calicchio

The wilds of Cordillera Blanca

The Cordillera Blanca in Peru has some of the highest mountains west of the Himalayas. But because of its remoteness, few trekkers go there. This film tries to capture the beauty of the Cordillera Blanca. Director: Rob Feakins

Earth song. SunSay

“This is a hymn about the unity of people and about the importance of preserving our planet.” The shooting took place in Kamchatka, in Karelia and on the Kola Peninsula on the shore of the Barents Sea. A new song by Andrey Zaporozhets is a kind of peacekeeping hymn. He wrote it in 1 day, …Read more »

Los Angeles. A story of true love.

Los Angeles is one of our favorite cities in the world. In this video, we select the greatest moments in L.A. Director:  Daria (Dada) Tymchyna

Star in the East

Folky songwriter Katie Garibaldi’s sweet and majestically produced original song “Star in the East” from her new album Home Sweet Christmas is the perfect match for such a creatively inspired music video. The claymation and stop motion video was made by artist Marc Morgan, which pays homage to the classic Christmas movies of the ’60s …Read more »