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Of travel and gravel

The Tagliamento divides Friuli Venezia Giulia in half, generating a multitude of different microcosms, linguistically specific with shifting lifestyles and imaginative tales. To fully describe the kaleidoscopic shape of the river which, from Forni di Sopra, begins its thunderous descent until calming down around Rosa Vecchia (San Vito al Tagliamento), we decided to weave fiction …Read more »

Verplant – How two guys try to cycle from Germany to Vietnam

They’re untrained, unstoppable and full of verve — Otti and Keule want to go from Heiligenstadt in Central Germany along the Silk Road to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) in Southern Vietnam. All by bicycle. Fairly out of shape they start heading east with their brand new bikes during the record-breaking summer of 2018. Director: …Read more »

The Strez

Two middle-aged brothers take their 70-year-old dad on an epic adventure across Australia’s notorious Strzelecki Desert on adventure motorcycles in search of long lost family history. They overcome extreme temperatures and challenging conditions, but a major accidents leads to a unexpected discovery which changes the trip forever. Director: Joe Carter

Le Temps Suspendu (Suspended In Time)

Tom Canac and Hugo Drouin attempt to climb one of the last virgin cracks of Quebec’s Cap Trinité. When bad weather rolls in, Hugo leaves the project and Tom tries finishing the project as a solo climb. A solo adventure into the inner self, hanging between the sky and the fjord. Director: Philippe Larivière

The Range Of Light

A 400 Mile Journey to Discover the High Sierra. The Range of Light is an intimate look into the lives of three hikers as they tackle the high routes in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The film explores the creation of high routes with the people who forge them, the addictive nature of long-distance hiking, and …Read more »