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Loic and the Flolopapys

Step out of your comfort zone and face your fears. Twenty two year old Loic has become a passionate climber after having received his first pair of climbing shoes at age six. Together with Florian, Pablo and Pierre, they form the inseparable “Flolopapys”, bringing their energy and good vibes to the farthest reaches of the …Read more »

Walled Citizen

A Palestinian filmmaker attempts to explore the planet as a backpacker defying the restrictions of movement imposed on him as a holder of one of the world’s weakest ranking passports. Over the period of 3 years, Sameer Qumsiyeh travels with his personal camera from Palestine to Europe to the Canary Islands and Ecuador (featuring The …Read more »

Shangri La

This film is based on a true story about a white-collar Chinese worker that lives in Beijing. After he reads the fantasy novel “Lost horizon”, he begins an extraordinary journey with a backpack to find his “Shangri-La”. His quest to find it was so intense that he crossed 6 provinces and 12 cities, passing by …Read more »

Hiko in Tonga – A Culture Almost Lost

A multi-generational film of a unique, vanishing culture of Polynesian women jugglers in The Kingdom of Tonga. Their unique style and approach is only in this tiny country of 150 islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Enjoy empowering insight into the late Queen Salote, the only Queen of Tonga. She influenced the women …Read more »

30,000 Miles to the Finish

Francesco’s the only Italian set to compete in an extreme solo race around the globe. Will he make it to the start line and finish the race — or meet with disaster? Francesco Cappelletti is on the verge of fulfilling a lifelong dream. He’s the only Italian competing in the Golden Globe Race ‘18, an …Read more »