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Namaste Himalaya – How a village in Nepal opened the world to us

At the outbreak of the pandemic, the two world travellers Anna and Michael are stranded in one of the poorest countries in the world. When Nepal suddenly announces a lockdown and seals off its cities, they flee into the mountains. At the foot of the eight-thousanders they find refuge and a corrugated iron roof over …Read more »

Noria, 35 000km from France to Laos in a Citroen 2CV

Noria is the story of a daring adventure carried-out by Coralie and Fabien who had the weird idea to drive “Rustine”*, their loyal vintage Citroen 2CV, all around the globe. Get on board and let yourself be carried along the 18 countries they crossed to join Laos from France, with minimalist equipment for fully enjoying …Read more »

Four Seasons – One Day

“Four Seasons – One Day” is a philosophical short film. A traveler, wandering through all four seasons in just one day, discovers that every season holds its own beauty. With its meditative and magical tone, the film invites viewers to consider that even the impossible is possible. Director:  Inessa Kraft

The Present

“The Present” is a 2023 adventure short documentary featuring the story of Dimitri Poffé, a 34-year-old French traveler who left his native France to undertake a cycling trip from Mexico City to Ushuaia after he tested positive for Huntington’s disease. Huntington’s disease is a rare neurodegenerative, hereditary and incurable disease. Dimitri’s father passed away because …Read more »

Mato Grosso do Sul: A Leading Advocate for Ecotourism Worldwide

This four-episode documentary series showcases how Mato Grosso do Sul stands as an ecotourism pioneer in the world by combining culture, sustainability, and preservation while fostering environmental awareness among the population. From the crystal-clear rivers and ancient caves of Bonito to the scenic waterfalls of Serra da Bodoquena. From the traditions of Pantanal inhabitants and …Read more »