Narrative Short

Any Narrative film Less than 75 mins. will be considered in this category. We admit only the films about travels, both modern and historical ones. As well as those films, where travel is an important part of the synopsis. Foreign language work must be dubbed or subtitled in English.

Часто комментируемые

Richard, a young American, ventures into the Pyrenees mountains, camera in hand, in search of information about the adventures of Mosén Bruno Fierro, a legendary character his grandmother told him about when he was young, and about whom he plans to do a documentary film. The experiences he has during these days will change his …Read more »


Somehow, this woman called Desire appears in a world that is strange for her, and magically is largely invisible as she was traveling by her personal failures. Loaded with her bag of clothes,finally India will nude her spiritually, while she is finding herself in the solitude of indifference. Director: EUGENIO RECUENCO  

Smachnogo/Bon Appétit

The film depicts the way of two friends to victory in the culinary contest “CookNOW”. It all starts with main character, Mykola Pshenytsia, he starts the introduction to his life to the audience. More specifically: his father is a Ukrainian who came to France and became a successful chef there. He met his future wife …Read more »

The incredible and wonderful journey of the Hofmann family on the streets of California

The incredible and wonderful journey of the Hofmann family on the streets of California. A road movie. Directors: Familie Hofmann


Daniel, a parent goes to the Tenant population, is the year 81 in the American Southwest, the sun is beating down and passes the old familiar chevi bill. Daniel gets thrown roadside of a sea shore. In this place there are very few cars, it is not advisable to travel alone if those ditches talk… …Read more »