Documentary Feature

Any Documentary Film over 45 mins will be considered in this category. We admit only the films about travels, both modern and historical ones. Foreign language work must be dubbed or subtitled in English.

Часто комментируемые
Closer to Maarten

It is 1999 when Dutchman Maarten de Bruijn, still in his twenties, decides to make a journey through India. At first, everything seems to go well, as he sends letters on a regular basis in which he writes enthusiastically about India and the things he is experiencing along the way. But after three letters, the …Read more »

The last adventure of The Gandul. Diary of a shipwreck

A group of friends without any nautical experience and an experienced Captain go on board a catamaran named Gandul. They meet at the Canary Islands with the purpose of crossing the Atlantic Ocean and arrive to the Barbados Island five weeks later. During the crossing we’ll live unique moments, all amidst an amazing scenery. We …Read more »

The Way

The Trans-Siberian Railway, boundless Russia … Two friends set off to find answers to simple and complicated questions talking to different people. They stay overnight with strangers and their families, visit monasteries, strike up conversations with fellow travelers on the train. What makes Russia tick? What are the main concerns of common people? How do …Read more »

Rowing. Spain – Mexico

Abraham Levy is an adventurer and an explorer who has crossed the Atlantic Ocean completely on his own. During 5 months and from Spain to Mexico, he has made the journey aboard the boat Cascarita only with a pair of oars. Director: Paco Ortiz Francisco Ortiz Perez de Leon, better known as Paco Ortiz, born in …Read more »


Starting from Graz they reach out to explore a fairly close, but foreign country. Romania, a relatively unknown, cliche-laden country waiting to be discovered.