Documentary Feature

Any Documentary Film over 45 mins will be considered in this category. We admit only the films about travels, both modern and historical ones. Foreign language work must be dubbed or subtitled in English.

Часто комментируемые

Space record woman, Samantha Cristoforetti, and her spaceflight to the International Space Station.


A trip in South Africa, a dream in South Africa.

My Father’s Land

Papa Jah, a humble gardener, has lived in the Bahamas for 40 years. He returns to Haiti to see his 103 years old father and reunite with the land he left. Director: Miquel Galofre Miquel Galofré (Barcelona) is a multi-award winning filmmaker based in the Caribbean. After 20 years traveling the world producing TV programs, he …Read more »

Awakening In Taos

Awakening in Taos tells the story of Mabel Dodge Luhan’s personal evolution as a writer, salon hostess, art patroness, social activist and a resident of New Mexico. Born in Buffalo, New York, Mabel was a woman unique to her time. Her influence extended into the world of arts, music, literature and activism for social change. …Read more »

The Hoffmans Go To France

We Hoffmans are just your ordinary family traveling for vacation and adventure. But it happens that Daddy David Hoffman is a filmmaker with the GoPro at the ready. The results led to this one-hour travelogue — a film with a true start and finish. It has been watched by many and seems to be enjoyed …Read more »