Documentary Feature

Any Documentary Film over 45 mins will be considered in this category. We admit only the films about travels, both modern and historical ones. Foreign language work must be dubbed or subtitled in English.

Часто комментируемые

Starting from Graz they reach out to explore a fairly close, but foreign country. Romania, a relatively unknown, cliche-laden country waiting to be discovered.

Desolate – urban exploration in Hungary

A father, a daughter and a friend travel to the heart of Europe to explore the remnants of Hungary’s unsung history.

Journey to JOYCE’S VILLAGE – Creating the Place of Hope

Zambian grandmother Joyce Sikota has lost all but one of her children to Aids and was left alone and overwhelmed with seven grandchildren. But now she is going through a healing process. With the help of her only surviving daughter Annie and her visionary son-in-law Michael, she finds solace, hope and delight.

Kayak The Kwanza

In June 2016, our two man team completed the first ever source-to-mouth expedition along the Kwanza River in Angola. We used a 40 year-old foldable wooden kayak that we paddled and carried along the 1,300km journey.

The Iron Dream

This documentary is a rich collection of archive photos and videos of 1940s about the countrywide railroad of Iran, the occupation of Iran by the allied forces and using it for transportation of facilities and arms supplied by the US and UK for the Russian army.